Mango Smoothie With Kefir

Mango Smoothie With Kefir

Mango smoothie with kefir - a refreshing, delicious and creamy kefir drink that is a hit, both at the breakfast table or as a snack!


Step 1
  • Put mango, caster sugar and lemon juice into a blender. Blend at the fastest speed for approximately 45 seconds or until the mixture becomes smooth.
Step 2
  • Divide the mango purée into two cold glasses. Slowly pour the kefir in, add ice cubes and serve immediately with a straw and a long spoon. Stir the smoothie before drinking.


Ripe Peeled mangos (In Small Pieces)
250 g
Caster sugar
2 tbsp
Freshly Squeezed lemon juice
1 tbsp
Natural yoghurt
400 ml
Ice cubes