Giant cinnamon roll

Giant cinnamon roll

1 h
The cinnamon roll is a Scandinavian classic, and this version makes it even better by increasing the size. The flavour is just as good but the portions are bigger, so what’s not to love? The bigger proportions means there’s even more cinnamon filling to go around, and while there are an endless number of ways to approach baking a cinnamon roll, this recipe is based on the easiest manner to get the most satisfying outcome.


  • Pour the Arla Cravendale whole milk into a bowl and crumble in the yeast before mixing.
  • Add the sugar, egg, flour, salt and butter and mix evenly.
  • Knead the dough until it is shiny and easy to manipulate – consider using a dough mixer if necessary.
  • Allow the dough to rest until it doubles in size. This should take around one hour.
  • To make the filling, simply combine the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon until well mixed.
  • Once the dough has expanded it’s time to prepare it for baking. First, roll it out into a square (around 40 x 40 cm in dimensions). Coat it evenly with the butter and cinnamon mixture.
  • Roll the dough into a long, thin roll shape. Cut a line through the middle of the roll down almost the entire length so it splits in half to create an even longer length, joined together at the bottom.
  • Twist the two sides of the roll together to form a long, knotted length of dough. Take the knot and roll it into a snail shell shape, tucking the end underneath the middle.
  • Line a circular cake tin with baking paper, around 22 cm in diameter. Place your roll in the tin, then bake in the oven for one hour at 175 °C or until baked through evenly and golden brown on top.
  • For the glaze, combine boiling water and sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolves. Coat the freshly baked bun with the mixture as soon as it is ready then sprinkle pearl sugar on top to complete. Allow the cinnamon roll to cool before serving.
Recommended information

Serving suggestion


Questions about giant cinnamon roll

This version of a traditional cinnamon roll is ideal to share if you have people over, or just if you feel like treating yourself with a big sweet! Read below to find out more about this giant cinnamon roll.

Do you ice cinnamon rolls before or after baking?

This cinnamon roll only uses a light glazing but if you want to add thicker icing, it’s best to allow the roll to cool for 10 minutes first, so the icing can properly set on the surface without melting from the heat.

Should you cover cinnamon rolls after baking?

The cinnamon roll is best served fresh but if you plan to wait before eating it on the same day then it’s a good idea to cover with aluminium foil after cooling and keep in a dry place. That should prevent it from absorbing any unwanted odours as well as drying out for a few days. If you want to keep the buns any longer however it’s best to store in an airtight container in the freezer.

Do you let cinnamon rolls rise before refrigerating?

It’s important to let the dough rest for around an hour in order to give the yeast time to activate, otherwise you will end up with a flat and unsatisfying cinnamon roll. It’s best to let the dough rise at room temperature first before refrigerating if you plan on keeping it for a while before baking.

How thick do you slice cinnamon rolls?

How long is a piece of string? How thick you slice the cinnamon rolls really depends on personal preference. This recipe is designed to create a roll that should be large enough for 10 evenly sliced portions.

Can you overwork cinnamon roll dough?

Overworking the dough is to be avoided as it will result in a tougher, less fluffy cinnamon roll – this dough doesn’t need to be kneaded to the extent of bread, as that will produce roll that is denser in texture. Only knead it lightly until it is shiny and easily malleable.


Warm Arla Cravendale Whole milk
250 ml
25 g
50 g
575 g
Sea salt
1 tsp
Butter, diced into small cubes
100 g
Soft butter
200 g
Brown sugar
200 g
Ground cinnamon
2 tbsp
Boiling water
50 ml
Caster sugar
50 g
Pearl sugar

The bigger, the better

Large cinnamon rolls are less common than the individual variety but can still be found in a number of Scandinavian bakeries. Gothenburg’s old town, Haga, claims to produce the world’s largest cinnamon rolls, with one local bakery producing buns that weigh half a kilo – 500 grams!

The fantastic Swedish tradition – Cinnamon Bun Day

In Sweden on 4 October every year it’s Cinnamon Bun Day, an event that started as a marketing initiative by the country’s Home Baking Council to mark their 40th anniversary in 1999. It quickly gained popularity and led to a spike in sales of cinnamon buns from bakeries that has continued each year ever since.

Serving suggestions

This cinnamon roll shines on its own, but for an extra tasty treat serve it fresh from the oven with some vanilla ice-cream on the side. The combination is unbeatable!

The perfect partner for coffee or tea

Perhaps more than any other sweet treat, the cinnamon bun is the classic component of fika, Sweden’s tradition of stopping for a coffee break with baked goods during the working day or just with friends. We can’t disagree with the consensus – this giant cinnamon roll is perfect for the occasion.