Office worker typing at her desk

Privacy information notice

Arla Foods knows that you care how information about you is used and shared and it is careful to ensure that any such information that comes into its possession is properly looked after.

Arla Foods amba, Sønderhøj 14, 8620 Viby J, Denmark (“Arla”) respects your data privacy. This information text describes how Arla will, as the data controller, collect and process personal data about you in connection with our services and the use of our website at

Please read the statement carefully in order to understand how we process, use and disclose your personal data. 


1. Processing of personal data

We process the personal data for the following purposes and on the listed legal bases:

• Handling purchases from the Arla Shop  

When you order products in our web shop, you must provide your name, address, phone number, phone number, payment details and products you ordered, in order to process your order and deliver the products to you (GDPR article 6(1)(b)).

In order to manage the payment we need to share your payment details with our payment solution partners. In order to fulfil your delivery we need to share your name and address with our carrier partners (GDPR article 6(1)(b)).

• Sending out newsletters

If you sign up for our newsletters we will register the personal data that you provide to us (name, e-mail address) in order to send you relevant and targeted marketing messages.

The processing is based on your consent (GDPR article 6(1)(a). Remember that you can, at any time, withdraw your consent, if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters.

• Your participation in competitions 

If you participate in competitions arranged by Arla, we will process the personal data you provide (name, email address, competition input, including answers to questions, etc.) in order to manage the competition, chose and contact the winner (GDPR article 6(1)(b)).

Depending on the specific competition and prize, we may share your name, contact details and prize details with our competition prize vendors and carriers (GDPR article 6(1)(b).

If required under the legislation, we will share your name and prize details with the tax authorities (GDPR article 6(1)(c)).

• Being able to reply when contacted through or other contact points (email, social media platforms, etc.) – customer service

If you contact us, we will register the personal data that you provide to us (e.g. name, company, title,  email address, request details, etc.). Our customer service team has access to this data so we can help you with your request in the best way possible (GDPR article 6(1)(f)).

• Administration of user profile 

If you chose to create an account on our platform, you must provide your email address (GDPR article 6(1)(b).

When logged in you can add recipes to your favourites and create your own compilation of recipes and access them from multiple devices. 

Based on what you click when logged in, our website technology will get to know you better, and, based on this, will present content to you that you are likely to be interested in. 

• Marketing

We use cookies to create more relevant marketing for you and to present relevant content to you on our website and on third party websites (re-targeting). This is based on your cookie-consent, and the subsequent use of the cookie data for marketing is based on our legitimate interest to brand our products and our business.

You can read more about our use of cookies here.

We also use tools of social media platforms to brand our products (e.g. Facebook Custom Audience). For that purpose we may provide hashed email addresses, that we obtained from you (e.g. when signing up for newsletters or when purchasing items in our web shop) to the social media, for them to present sponsored posts in your feed. The disclosure is based on our legitimate interests in marketing our products (GDPR article 6(1)(f)). 

• Events and workshops 

If you sign up for participation in events and workshops arranged by Arla, we will register the personal data that you provide to us (including, name, e-mail address, event, event date) in order to manage the event as well as your participation, confirming your participation, contacting you in case of any changes or cancellations, etc. (GDPR article 6(1)(b)).

• Improving our website

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website and ensure functionality of the site, to track the traffic to our website and to optimise content on the pages. This is based on your cookie-consent, and the subsequent use of the cookie data for marketing is based on our legitimate interest to improve our website.

You can read more about our use of cookies here.

• Interaction with Arla on social media platforms

If you follow us or interact with us on any of our pages on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc., information you provide will be subject to this privacy notice as well as the privacy notice of the respective social media platforms. We encourage you to read the privacy notice of such social media platforms.

For information on how we use your personal data when you apply for a job in the Arla Foods Group, please click here.


2. Disclosure and transfer of the personal data

We disclose your personal data as described above. In addition to this, we make personal data available to our business partners, including IT suppliers that stores and process personal data on our behalf. Such business partners and suppliers are subject to Arla’s  instructions regarding the storing and processing of personal data.

Some data processors or sub-processors may be located outside of the EU. The transfer of personal data is based on the EU Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses or EU-US Privacy Shield, where applicable.


3. Retention period

We store your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes above and to comply with legal obligations, including bookkeeping legislation in the countries where we operate.


4. Your rights

When we process personal data for our legitimate interests or when we use your personal data for direct marketing, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. 

Subject to certain statutory exceptions, you have the right to request access to the personal data we hold and process regarding you.

Further, you have the right to request us to rectify any personal data on you that might be incorrect, as well as the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data.

You may request to receive any personal data on you that you provided to us a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, if our processing of such personal data is based on your consent or a contract that you concluded with us (data portability).

Upon your request we will erase personal data on you, unless we have a legal basis for continuing the processing.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, such as the Danish Data Protection Agency.


5. Objection 

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on certain grounds. For example, you can object to the processing of your personal data that is based on our legitimate interests (GDPR article 6(1)(f)) or used for direct marketing purposes, including profiling.


6. Exercise your rights

As described in sections 4 and 5 above, you have a number of rights when we process your personal data. If you wish to exercise such rights, please submit your request via our online webform, which is available here.


7. Changes to this privacy notice

We reserve the right to change this privacy notice.


Version 1.2, January 2019