4 Polaroid photographs of; Gizzi Erskine, two glasses strawberry and banana yogurt drink, a dutch baby dessert and bowls of overnight oats against a cream coloured wooden backdrop

Join us for Seven Great Days and upgrade your breakfasts with Arla

A great day starts with a good breakfast, and as part of our Choose Goodness campaign, we’re challenging Britons to commit to Seven Great Days of nutritional, healthy breakfasts inspired by Arla.

Many people mistakenly believe that preparing a good breakfast takes up more time than they can spare. So to help save time and upgrade breakfasts all over Britain, we’re revealing a series of recipes that you can try over your Seven Great Days. We want the world to know that eating healthily doesn’t need to take long – you can upgrade your breakfast with Arla and kick-start your way to a great day with recipes from our ambassadors! 

Portrait photo of Gizzi Erskine

7 Great days with Gizzi Erskine

Who says healthy has to be boring? Let Gizzi Erskine's colourful creations bring a burst of fun and taste to your breakfast table.

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Ambassador blog

Based in Leeds, Lauren focuses on beauty, fashion and lifestyle topics, with travel topics and some of her favourite recipes too! Read more about Lauren and her Seven Great Days recipes here.

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Ambassador blog

Newcastle Eats documents his experiences eating out in Newcastle, particularly independent eateries and bars. We can’t wait to see his recipes over the Seven Great Days! Follow along here.

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Ambassador blog

Lily Doughball hails from Bristol and loves to write about all things beauty, fashion, knitting, sewing, photography, lifestyle and places to eat – with a good dose of quirkiness thrown in for good measure. Follow Lily’s adventures here.

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