The Arla Skyr Story

Iceland map

The Skyr story originally starts across the sea in Iceland

Where the rolling hills are green and luscious and the air is fresh. Skyr may well be a relatively new phenomenon on a global scale, but it’s in this beautiful, natural Nordic land where it has its roots.

Icelanders have been enjoying Skyr for hundreds of years. Now Arla is sharing Icelandic style yogurt with the world, so you can discover it for yourself.

About us

Arla Skyr is a part of the Arla Foods family, a fully farmer-owned cooperative which was born in Sweden during the 1880s. It’s a grass-roots story which has retained its charm, with farmers coming together as one to craft delicious dairy products for you to enjoy.

Our Nordic heritage is the basis of our ethos, championing natural goodness to feed your inner strength, while relishing the flavour, texture and satisfaction of delicious dairy.

How we make Skyr

It’s simple! To begin we collect our milk from our Arla Farmers, pasteurise it and remove the fat. We then blend the skimmed milk with cultures until it thickens, strain the yogurt to remove the whey (a natural liquid that forms during the production) and pot it up for you to enjoy.

skyr simply yogurt product pitcure

Skyr FAQs

Is Skyr a good addition to a healthy diet?

Each pot of Arla Skyr is:

  • Naturally high in protein
  • Made from skimmed milk
  • Reduced in sugar*
  • Fat free

Discover the benefits of Arla Skyr for yourself, whether you’re waking up your taste buds with a refreshing bowl topped with berries, or tucking into a high-protein snack as part of your working day or after your yoga class.

*30% less sugar vs other flavoured yogurts based on a market average.

Is Skyr made from cow’s milk?

Yes, traditional Icelandic Skyr is made from skimmed cow’s milk – so that’s exactly how we make Arla Skyr, staying true to the traditions that have given Skyr its reputation over the years. Each tub contains as much as four times the volume of milk found in regular yogurts, which is the secret to its lusciously thick, scoop-able texture.

Is Arla Skyr pasteurised?

Arla Skyr is made from pasteurised, skimmed milk.

Does Skyr taste like yogurt?

Of course! It’s cool and refreshing, with a tang that makes your taste buds buzz. But a spoonful of Skyr is so much more than that.

It’s thick and super-silky – a real guilt-free addition to your day that sets you up for whatever lies ahead.

What’s the difference between Skyr and Greek style yogurt?

Arla Skyr is an Icelandic-style yogurt that is made with skimmed milk, whereas Greek style yogurt is traditionally made with full fat milk. The two are similar in other respects though, both championing the luscious, thick texture which leaves an imprint when you scoop.

Are Skyr and Quark the same?

Skyr and Quark are similar in some ways. Both have that lusciously thick texture that sets them apart from regular yogurts. However, there are some notable differences:

  • Origin - Skyr has its origins in Iceland, while Quark has Slavic roots.
  • Flavour – you’ll taste more of a familiar, yogurt tang with Skyr, compared to the mellow flavour of Quark.
  • Ingredients – Skyr is made using skimmed milk, which makes it fat-free. Quark can be made using a range of different milks, from skimmed to whole.

What is special about Skyr yogurt?

Skyr is all the best parts of yogurt with a whole lot more besides. It’s thick, creamy, naturally higher in protein, fat-free and reduced in sugar. It’s also nourishing, thick and incredibly refreshing.

Discover the full range of Arla Skyr and experience it for yourselfs.