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What does your tea

Say about you?

As a nation of proud tea lovers, we're quick to defend our perfect cuppa.

In the UK we drink 165 million cups per day1  - but that’s just the tip of iceberg. Morning tea runs cause chaos across the country, with requests flooding in for strong tea, weak tea, lots of milk or just a drop – and how many sugars was that again? 

From a proper builder’s brew to a milky beige cup of cha, we’re delving into the science of tea. What does your favourite shade of tea say about you?

Here are Britain’s top tea stereotypes explained – how do you brew?


The queen's cuppa

Her Royal Highness is apparently a fan of Earl Grey tea2 – a more delicate tea than the classic breakfast blends most Brits drink. It’s reported she goes without milk or sugar too.

Builders tea

A traditional builder’s tea is strong tasting and dark in colour. It’s brewed for a long time within a mug (no need for teapots here), with a few spoonfuls of sugar and a dash of milk thrown in. 

Builder’s tea got its name from construction workers in the 1960s/70s taking tea breaks together. 

(However, it looks like builder’s tea may well be losing its status…3


From how you pronounce the ‘a’ in bath and grass to whether you like gravy on your chips or not, many stereotypes separate the north and south of the UK but none as much as the great tea divide. Research suggests that southerners like a stronger tea – leaving the tea bag in longer.4

The perfect milk-to-tea ratio 

George Orwell once said: "the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes. " Which pretty much sums up the fact there is no perfect milk to tea ratio, only personal preference here. That applies to the making too – how long to leave the teabag in, and whether milk or water goes in first…


The northener's tea

According to the same study6, tea drinkers in Scotland and the North East of England like a lighter shade of tea – with a hearty dose of milk. They’re more committed to a cuppa too – drinking more tea than southerners.7  


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