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A man cutting down a cocoa pod from a tree
Sustainable partnerships


We work with suppliers from all over the world and they have major impact on our quality and ethical sustainability commitments. We expect our suppliers to acknowledge their social and environmental responsibilities in order that we meet our aim of purchasing goods and services in a sustainable way.

As stated in our Code of Conduct:

Suppliers' responsibility

We strive to ensure that our suppliers are willing to comply with the requirements set out in our Code of Conduct.

Our suppliers are contractually bound to meet our requirements. We ask them to sign our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and evaluate and follow up on their ability to comply with our requirements.


We require that all employees are aware of, and follow, our procurement conduct guidelines and understand the need for ethical behaviour.

Supplier relations

We not only act efficiently, but also in a fair, sustainable and reasonable manner when dealing with our suppliers, whilst ensuring integrity, honesty and responsibility at all times.

Supplier selection

We select our suppliers on a professional, systematic and fair basis. Our negotiations with suppliers are honest and fair at all times.


We recognise the importance of confidentiality, and we ensure that confidential information received from our suppliers is not disclosed to any unauthorised persons or companies.

Arla's sourcing statements (PDF)