Forward thinking dairy

We’re owned by the same dairy farmers that supply the milk, so every step we take, from farm to fridge, is focused on one ambition, to leave the farms, the food and the world around us in even better shape for the next generation.

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See how we’re turning cow pats into renewable energy, and how this can be a vital part of meeting the UK’s net zero carbon ambitions

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Magic Breakfast

Arla Cravendale is teaming up with the incredible Magic Breakfast charity to ensure every child gets the breakfast they need to start happy and stay focused. Find out more about why we're #backingbreakfast.

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Giving bees their buzz back

At Arla, our farmer owners are passionate about protecting the land around us and have been working to support biodiversity for a number of years. As the UK faces an un-bee-liveable biodiversity crisis, the 2,300 farmers that own Arla are calling on the nation to unite with them in supporting pollinators and join the Bee Road.

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Storytime with Jonny and Jelly

At Arla we’re passionate about dairy and the goodness and nutrition it provides. We’re also passionate about teaching children (and grown-ups) about farming and how milk gets from the farm to your fridge. We believe understanding this enables you to make good food choices throughout your life.

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We know there are questions about the availability of milk and dairy products which is fluctuating as we adapt to varying social and lifestyle restrictions. To help, here are some answers to the most common ones.

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With the support of our farmers we are continuing to work with Magic Breakfast and Fareshare to offer food donations and support in providing a healthy breakfast to school children who might otherwise miss this important meal.

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Discover the world of farming through our interactive farm experience. Learn lots of interesting facts about our farms and our initiatives including animal welfare and sustainability, test your farming knowledge by taking one of our quizzes as well as download some fun activities to keep the kids entertained.

Portrait of farmers and children in front of cows in a field

Supporting the
future of Dairy

Extra 25p. per bottle goes back to Arla farmers

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A breakfast of bread, cheese, grapes, strawberries, yoghurt, oats and orange juice
Dairy is nutritious

Healthy eating

A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important at every stage of life, explore our healthy eating content to find out how we factor health and nutrition into everything we do.

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Man hula hooping
Arla Lactofree

Go with your gut

When it comes to wellness and feeling good, nobody knows you like you. So if simple, nutritious, delicious goodness is your thing, then don't hold back. 

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Using longer lasting products, like Arla Cravendale, means you can really get the most out your food. In fact, by switching to Cravendale instead of standard fresh, we can save up to 80% of milk that’s wasted because it’s gone off. Even better, Cravendale has absolutely no additives and it’s not UHT – it’s simply filtered for purity so you can enjoy the milky goodness for longer.

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Arla BIG Milk

Win goodies with the gruffalo

We’ve teamed up with the Gruffalo to offer you the chance of winning lots of amazing goodies! Click below to find out how to enter.

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Close up portrait of a farmer inside his dairy
A dairy cooperative


Arla is owned by dairy farmers who produce most of our milk

Visit our farmers
Child licking a cream covered wooden spoon

What we make

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A man and his child outside of a rural building on a wet day
Good growth

All about Arla

- and how we develop our products

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green field with cows

Our quality program

Care for the environment & animal welfare

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